Saturday, August 2, 2008

from Saturn and Neptune

it feels like a stretch of my independenation
how I thrive on muses and can play all day
without hearing a note from another
the manifestation of future needs calls my attention
and often I don't want my groove interrupted.

they say love is a wave that enters a vessel called us
and we invite it, but the book of love poems felt like
bait in a seeming mess of wet clay named she
oh yes, we should never think of anyone as separate
but if I chose to sustain myself on wet dirt
poverty would surely be my Achilles heel

the mention of heel makes want to run as far and fast
as I can, so I board my hover craft metaphorically
and await the decision

I just want straight talk and no games of how love is
coerced into my life, please tell me what you need
or learn that I'm giving it now if you could only listen
begin to understand that it isn't me you're
seeking, the connection is to the source and how
we were taught to wear out each other instead of
connecting to the massive energy being given
from heaven

I think it was a myth just to keep us
busy and guilty, because guilt is worth
so much in the coffer.

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